Location Guide

Please note that this information is significantly out of date and is in the process of being updated (03/2016).



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adult nasal interface (humidification) resus store 2B;
AED wall opposite T1;
wall opposite T10;
wall opposite T16;
wall opposite CDMU BED 2;
Agilia™ standard giving sets store room 2E;
Agilia™ transfusion sets store room 2D;
Agilia™ pumps most cubicles, on back shelf;
resus (2 in each cubicle, on Link Agilia™);
CDMU, on Link Agilia™;
Agilia™ syringe drivers on Link Agilia™ resus (2 in each);
medication room;
paediatric medication room;
Air Vivas (with guedel airways) – adult wall opposite T1;
wall opposite T10;
wall opposite T16;
CDMU (on trolley with AED);
paediatric staff base;
each resus cubicle;
fast track holding bay;
Air Vivas – child paediatric procedure room, paediatric staff base
Air Vivas (spare adult & paediatric) resus store 2A
Air Vivas (spare paediatric/neonate) resus store 3A
airway needles store room 3B
alcohol swabs store room 3B
alert arm bands store room 3B
AlgerBrush™ PYXIS machine;
arm boards (adult & paediatric) store room 1B;
arterial blood gas machine resus drug room;
arterial blood gas syringes store room 3D;
arterial cannula (Arrow™) resus store 2D;
arterial cannula (Cathlon™) resus store 2D;
arterial line trunk cables (adult) resus store 3C;
arterial line trunk cables (paediatrics) resus store 3C;
arterial line transducers (adult) resus store 2C;
arterial line transducers (paediatrics) resus store 3C;
AV trolley for chopper CDMU alcove (near CDMU toilet);


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baby bottles paediatric drug room;
main drug room;
baby scales paediatric procedure room; P8;
bandage, crepe orthopaedic store 2D;
bandage, SurgiFix® orthopaedic store 1D;
bandage, gauze store room 4D;
orthopaedic store 2D;
bandage (peg) orthopaedic store 2E;
bandage, tubular support or Tensogrip® orthopaedic store 1D;
bandaids store room 4C;
bariatric bed P7;
barrier gowns store room 5A;
basic trays/dressing packs store room 4A;
orthopaedic store 3B;
batteries store room 6C;
battery charger (‘Zoll’ retrievals) retrieval cupboard;
battery charger (‘Cadex’ for Dash 4000) equipment room;
Baxter interlink injection site store room 3B;
BD threaded lock cannula store room 3B;
BD blunt plastic cannula store room 3B;
bereavement box equipment room 1A;
betadine swabs store room 3B;
beta-HCG tests (urine) all pan rooms (main supply pan room 2);
Biegler fluid warmer equipment room;
Biegler fluid warming lines resus store 1D;
BiPAP head straps resus store 1B;
BiPAP masks resus store 1B;
BiPAP circuit with exhalation port & filter resus store 1B;
bite blocks resus store 1D;
bladder scanner equipment room;
bladder washout sets store room 1D;
blanket warmer between T20 and R1;
blender (nitrous) procedure room 1 & 2;
paediatric procedure room;
resus cubicles (on pendants);
equipment room (portable x2);
blueys store room 5E;
orthopaedic store 3E;
blood alcohol kits (police) staff base 3;
blood culture bottles store room 3D;
blood gas machine resus drug room
blood glucose test strips medication room (diagnostics cupboard)
blood ketone test strips medication room (diagnostics cupboard)
blood pressure cuffs (spare adult/ long & large adult) equipment room 1C
blood pressure cuffs (spare paediatric) paediatric medication room
blood pressure cuff connectors equipment room 1C;
(CDMU for CDMU specific connectors);
blood in-line filter (Agilia™ TR) store room 2D;
blood sugar level (BSL) machines bottom shelf of all IV trolleys;
triage &
paediatric procedure room;
blue Flexiwrap (for paeds) resus store 3c
Bodai Y swivel resus store 1B;
body bags mortuary box in equipment room 1B
bougies resus store 1A
brachial plexus needles (stimuplex A, nerve stimulator) resus store 2D
breathalyser staff base 3;
breathalyser sticks resus store room 1F;
Bronny packs (IV) store room 2A;
burettes store room 2E;


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call bells/buzzers (spare) equipment room;
camera main drug room;
capnography ETCO2 adaptors resus store 1A;
cardiac monitor (‘Dash 2000’) on wheels CDMU
cardiac monitor (‘Dash 5000’) monitoring leads (spare SaO2 probes, cardiac monitor leads, blood pressure cable, invasive monitoring lines) equipment room 1D
cardiac monitor ‘Zoll M’ (retrieval) retrieval cupboard;
cardiac monitor ‘Transport pro’ (transfer CDMU patients) CDMU trolley opposite bed 1;
catheter bag store room 1C;
catheter burette store room 1C;
catheter packs store room 1E;
catheter (foley, nelaton, long term, 3 way) store room 1D;
certificates (medical) each staff base
certificates (death) staff base 1
cervical collars triage;
resus medication room;
resus cubicles;
orthopaedic store 1C;
chest drainage express (Atrium) resus store room 1D;
chest tube introducer resus store 2D;
chest tube set – Thal-quick resus store 2B;
cleaner disinfectant (purple) each sink in corridors;
all pan rooms;
C-MAC video laryngoscope monitor resus 1
Cocoon convective warming system equipment room;
cold/hot packs store room 7B;freezer at triage;
collar and cuff slings (collarform) orthopaedic store 1D;
colostomy bags pan room 2 (order another box when down to the last few bags);
Combine (large & small) store room 4E;
commodes all pan rooms;
consumer liaison officer cards triage;
Convene drainage store room 1C;
Cook FROVA Airway resus store 1A;
cot P7
cotton balls (sterile) store room 4E
cotton balls (unsterile) store room 5E;
cotton buds store room 7C
crutches (spare) cupboard beside ED X-ray holding bay (only to be used if patients in both procedure rooms);
CSF tubes store room 1B;
CSU (central sterilising unit) tubs all pan rooms;
curtains (clean) cleaners cupboard
CVC single lumen catheter resus store 2C;
CVC multi lumen catheter resus store 2C;


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Daylee washcloths (all purpose non lint towels) store room 7B;
defibrillator (automatic) – see AED
defibrillator (manual) (‘Responder 2000’) R2;
defibrillator/pacing unit (‘Responder 2000’) R1;
defibrillator/Pacer GE paper resus store 1D;
defibrillator pads store room 8B;
delivery bundle resus medication room;
dental burrs eye room, cupboard under the bench
denture cups & lids store room 6B;
diaphoretic cardiac monitoring dots store room 8B;
difficult airway trolley ALCOVE OPPOSITE R3/R4
dilator resus store 2D (in miscellaneous box)
Dinamap™ vital signs monitor (portable) triage;
Fast Track;
team 1 (x2);
team 2 (x2);
distraction boxes paediatric procedure room (x2);
fast track staff base;
nurse practitioner office;
ANUM office (spare);
Donway splint (adult & paediatric) resus medication room
Doppler (vascular) equipment room 1B;
drainage bags (for IDC/NGT) with tap store room 1D;
drainage bags (for IDC/NGT) without tap store room 1D;
dressings (all) store room 4B/4C
dressing packs/basic trays store room 4A;
orthopaedic store 3B
dressing trolley triage;
dual flow humidifier adaptor resus store 2A
dust buster resus pan room
Dynacast® plaster orthopaedic store 1E;


ear tips store room 6C;
ECG resus (between R2 & R3);
opposite T16;
CDMU (opposite bed 3);
ECG electrodes store room 8B;
ECG leads for Dash 50000 monitors ANUM office (as we don’t use these leads to do an ECG);
ECG recording paper store room 8B;
elbows resus store 1D;
electrical cords medication room (drawer under telephone chargers);
paediatric medication room (box in top left cupboard);
CDMU (box in top right cupboard nearLink Agilia™);
electrodes for cardiac monitoring store room 8B;
emesis bags store room 5A;
endotracheal tubes (ETTs) (adult) resus store 1A;
endotracheal tubes (ETTs) (child) resus store 1A;
endoscopy mask resus store 2D (in miscellaneous box)
enemas medication room (lotions cupboard);
ENT trolley eye room
Entonox circuits ortho store 4A;
Entonox circuits orthopaedic store 4D &4A;
Epicutaneo 2 (with split cannula introducer) resus store 2D (in miscellaneous box);
epidural set resus store 1D;
ETCO2 (capnography) adaptors (disposable) resus store 1A;
ETT introducer (adult and paediatric) resus store 2A;
ETT cuff pressure manometer R1
ETT tape store room 6B;
resus store room 2A;
‘Examination in Progress’ signs staff base 2;
extension set add-line store room 3E;
extension tubing short (dual port) store room 2C;
extension tubing short (single port) store room 2D;
eye pads orthopaedic store 3B;
eye room (small cupboard);
eye shields orthopaedic store 3B;
eye room (small cupboard)


facemasks store room 6B;
faecal occult blood (Haematest) with filter paper main drug room (‘Diagnostics’ cupboard)
faecal specimen jars store room 3E
fan (portable) equipment room
Fastanet orthopaedic store 1D
femoral artery catheter set resus store 1C
fibreoptic light eye room, large cupboard
filter (Bact trap) resus store 1B
finger splints orthopaedic store 1D
fluid warmer, Astotherm equipment room
fluid warmer, Biegler equipment room
fluid warmer, Prismatherm equipment room
fluid warming lines, Biegler resus store 2E
forensic bags resus drug room


gastrostomy tubes store room 1C;
gauze store room 5B;
orthopaedic store 3B;
giving sets store room 2E/3E;
Glad wrap paediatric procedure room;
orthopaedic store;
gloves (non-sterile, powder free) store room 5C;
gloves (sterile) store room 1E;
glue, Dermabond orthopaedic store 3B;

paediatric procedure room;

Guedel airways (oropharyngeal) store room 1C;
Gypsona orthopaedic store 1E/2E;


Haemacue resus drug room;
hand moisturiser, Avagard moisturising all pan rooms
hand wash, Avagard antiseptic all pan rooms
headlight ENT trolley, in the eye room
Heimlich chest drain resus store 1B
HME filters (paediatric) resus store 3B
HME filter thermovent (paediatric) resus store 3B
hoist medical imaging
heat packs freezer at triage;

store room 7B;

humidification circuits (adults) resus store 2B;
humidification circuits (paediatric) resus store 3B;
humidifier equipment room;
humidifier adaptors resus store 2A;
Hydralyte icypoles (frozen) freezer at triage;
paediatric drug room;
CDMU breakfast bay freezer;
Hydralyte icypoles (unfrozen) main drug room;


ice machines procedure room 1;

triage kitchenette;

incontinence pads store room 5D;
infant feeding tubes store room 1A;
infection prevention information wall in staff base 2;
infectious diseases signs staff base 2;
infectious material rubbish bins pan room 2;
intercostal catheters (ICCs) resus store 2C;
intercostal catheter (ICC) trays resus store 1C;
intraosseous (IO) needles resus store 3C;
introducers, adult and paediatric resus store 2A;
Isowipes store room 7B;
Isowipes, neutral alcohol-free store room 7B;
intravenous Agilia™ standard giving sets store room 2E;
intravenous Agilia™ transfusion sets store room 2D;
intravenous burettes store room 2E;
intravenous catheters store room 2C;
intravenous fluids store room 6D/6E/7D/7E/8D/8E;
intravenous giving sets store room 2E/3E;
intravenous needles store room 2C;
intravenous needles, long 18G resus store 1C;
intravenous poles P8;
intravenous pump packs store room 2E;


jugular puncture kit, paediatric store room 3C;


Kangaroo giving sets paediatric drug room;

store room 1C;

Kangaroo pumps paediatric drug room;
kidney dish store room 5A;


Laerdal masks resus store 3D;
lancets store room 3B;
laryngeal mask airways (LMAs) resus store 3E, in miscellaneous box;
laryngoscope blades and handles resus store 1A;
leg bags store room 1D;
Linda chair eye room;
linen trolleys opposite T7;

opposite T20;

opposite paediatric pan room;

opposite fast track pan room;

ambulance entrance;

lost property, unnamed clothing cupboard in fast track holding bay;
lost property, valuables These are sent to the Admissions Office.
lotions main drug room;


magnet See ‘pacemaker magnet’
macerator all pan rooms;

isolation room ensuite;

mannequins retrieval cupboard;
mattresses orthopaedic store, left hand wall;
meal trolley CDMU retherm bay;
medication fridges main drug room;

paediatric drug room;

eye room;

medication fridge (vaccine fridge) fast track staff base;
medications, staff box main drug room, above safe;
medicine cups store room 7B;
Merocel rope ear wicks store room 3B;
minimum volume extension tubing store room 2D;
mini-tracheostomy kit resus store 1A;
miscellaneous box resus store 2D;
mixing cannula store room 3B;
mops and buckets all pan rooms;
mortar and pestle main drug room;
mortuary box equipment room 1A;
mouth swabs store room 7C;
MSU containers See ‘specimen jars’


nappies pan room 2;

paediatric pan room;

nasal packs store room 3B;
nasal prongs store room 7C;
nasal prongs for humidifier resus store 2B;
nasal prongs, neonate resus store 3B;
nasal prongs, paediatric resus store 3B;
nasogastric tubes store room 1A;
nasopharyngeal airways resus store 1A;
nebuliser masks, adult store room 8C;
nebuliser masks, paediatric store room 8C;
needles store room 2C;
needle free valve port (Connector SmartSite) store room 2D;
needle stick injury kit main drug room, above safe;
neurological examination equipment equipment room 1B;
nitrous blender resus, on pillars;

paediatric procedure rooms;

procedure room 1;

procedure room 2;

non-rebreather masks, adult resus store 2B;
non-rebreather masks, paediatric resus store 3B;


occult blood testing main drug room, in ‘Diagnostics Cupboard’

all pan rooms;

odour counteractant all pan rooms;
office supplies reception;

staff base 1, in ward clerk’s cupboard;

ED secretary;

ophthalmoscope / otoscope mounted in each cubicle;
ophthalmoscope / otoscope, portable equipment room;
oxygen cylinders opposite staff base 1;

opposite T10;

opposite paediatric toilet;

ambulance entrance;

opposite CDMU toilet;

oxygen / suction, portable triage;
oxygen cylinders, spare PSA stock opposite CDMU breakfast bay;
oxygen masks, adult store room 8C;
oxygen masks, paediatric store room 8C;
oxygen tubing store room 8C;
oxygen tubing connector store room 8B;


pacemaker magnet R1, on whiteboard;
pacing catheter resus store 2D, in miscellaneous box;
pacing pads, adult resus store 1C;
pacing pads, paediatric resus store 3C;
packing gauze orthopaedic store 3B;
padlocks for staff lockers ANUM office;
paediatric resuscitation trolley between T20 and R1;
pagers staff base 1, in second drawer
Panda warmer P8
pan covers store room 5D;
PanOptic ophthalmoscope head PYXIS;
pans all pan rooms;
pans, spare stock pan room 2;
pan holders all pan rooms;
paper bags store room 6C;
paper briefs store room 5C;
paracentesis kit (Safe-T-Centesis)
pathology bags store room 3E;
pathology request slips store room 3D;
pathology tubes store room 3C;
pathology tubes, paediatric store room 3C;
patient clothing bags store room 7B;
patient warming blankets (Cocoon) resus store 1E;
peak flow meter main drug room;

paediatric drug room;

resus drug room;

peak flow mouth pieces store room 8B;
peak flow (PIKO) main drug room;
peg bandage orthopaedic store 2E;
percutaneous sheath introducer resus store 3E, in miscellaneous box
pericardiocentesis set resus store 1C;
peritoneal dialysis box store room 2B;
Philadelphia collars orthopaedic store 1B/2B;
Philadelphia collars, spare fast track holding bay, in cupboard;
physiotherapy equipment orthopaedic store;
pillows (spare) fast track holding bay;
pillow covers store room 5D;
plaster (Dynacast) orthopaedic store 1E;
plaster (Gypsona) orthopaedic store 1E/2E;
plaster padding (Webrell) orthopaedic store 1D/2D;
plaster saws orthopaedic store x 2;
paediatric procedure room;
plaster trap paediatric pan room;

procedure room 1;

procedure room 2;

plastic sheeting, green procedure room 1;

procedure room 2;

pleura guide resus store 1D;
pneumothorax set resus store 2C;
police blood kits staff base 3;
polystyrene cups with lids CDMU breakfast bay;
Port-a-Cath access box paediatric procedure room;
Port-a-Cath gripper needles store room 3B;
power boards main drug room, in top drawer
power cords main drug room, in drawers on staff base 2 end;

paediatric drug room;

CDMU cupboard;

prescription pads and printer paper staff base 1, in ward clerk’s cupboard;
pressure bags resus store 2C;
procedure trolleys, adult between T4 and T5;

between T12 and T13;

procedure trolley, difficult airway alcove opposite R3/R4;
procedure trolley, empty silver paediatric procedure room;

procedure room 1;

procedure room 2;

procedure trolley, paediatric paediatric procedure room;
procedure trolley, paediatric resuscitation between T20 and R1;
procedure trolley, adult resuscitation back walls of all resus bays;
pump packs, intravenous giving sets store room 2E;
PYXIS fast track staff base;




rapid infuser (Level 1®) system R3;
rapid infuser (Level 1®) infuser sets resus store 1C;
rapid infusion catheter (RIC) set resus store 1C, in miscellaneous box;
rapid MRSA swab sticks store room 3E;
razors store room 6C;
recording paper store room 3E;
recycling bins disposal bay opposite store room;
red caps (Combi-Stoppers) store room 2D;
resource folder staff base 1;
retrieval equipment (Zoll monitor, Oxylog ventilator, retrieval packs) retrieval cupboard;
retrieval medications main drug room;
ring cutter orthopaedic store 4D;


safety glasses store room 6B
safety pins store room 8B
sam sling each resus cubicle (shelf)
SpO2 probes (multi-site) resus medication room
SpO2 probe (Novametrics) triage 1
SpO2 probes (portable ‘Nelcor’ in yellow boot) triage 2, equipment room 1D(spare)
SpO2 probes (spare) equipment room 1D
SpO2 probes (spare Masimo & multi-site Masimo) paediatric medication room
SARS/AVIAN boxes (2) ANUM office
scales (baby) P8
scalpel blade (surgical disposable) orthopaedic store 3B, resus store 1E
script pads and printer paper STAFF BASE 1, LOCKED CUPBOARD
shackles cupboard opposite staff base 1
sharps bins (spare) resus store under 1D
shilet tracheostomy tubes misc box resus store 2D
shrouds in mortuary box in equipment room 1B
sigmoidoscope (disposable sigmoidoscopes & bulb filters) PAN ROOM 2
slide boards Each cubicle, fast track holding bay wall
slide sheets between resus pan room and staff base 1, opposite staff base 1, opposite T10, opposite paediatric toilet, opposite toilet in CDMU, ambulance entrance
slide sheets (bag of clean slide sheets) PSA collects daily and puts slide sheets as documented above
slings (broad arm) linen trolleys (stocked at triage and procedure room cupboards)
slings (collar and cuff – collarform) orthopaedic store 1D
slit lamp EYE ROOM
soap store room 7B
sodium chloride for irrigation 500ml store room 6D
sodium chloride solution 2000ml store room 6E
Solugel lotions cupboard medication room
space blankets store room 8B
spacer (in-line) ventilator resus store 2B
special laundry tub pan room 2 (see instructions on tub)
specimen jars store room 3E
spigot store room 8B
spinal board/scoop AV entrance
spinal manometer store room 1B
spinal needles store room 1B
spirometer (Micromedical) CDMU (under bench opposite bed 3)
sputum cups store room 6B
sputum traps resus store 1D & store room 3D
staff medication box medication room
stapler (skin) orthopaedic store 4C
stapler remover orthopaedic store 4C
Starlight Foundation game P8
stationery supplies each staff base, CDMU staff base cupboards
step / stool equipment room, P8, A1, fast track
Sterile equipment from CSU medication room (gynae, ENT, magills, forceps, baby bottles), store room (IDC introducers), paediatric medication room (baby bottles)
sterile gloves store room 1E
sterile scissors orthopaedic store 3D, store room 4D
Steri-Strips store room 4C
stitch cutter orthopaedic store 3B
stopcock with tubing resus store 1C
stores folder staff base 1
straws store room 7B
sucker, Yankauer store room 7C
suction canisters, spare equipment room
suction canister bracket equipment room
suction liners store room 7C
suction, portable (Laerdel) R1 & triage 1
suction, portable, liners and equipment (‘Laerdel’) resus store room 3C
suction tubing store room 7C
suprapubic catheter drainage set resus store 2D
surgical scrub brush store room 6C
Surgifix (fastanet) orthopaedic store 1D
suturing sets, plastics orthopaedic store 3E
suturing instruments (eg. plain Adson forceps, straight & curved mosquito forceps, straight & curved Spencer-Wells) orthopaedic store 3D
sutures (plain gut, ethilon, vicryl, prolene, silk) orthopaedic store 3C
swab sticks store room 3E
syringes (all sizes) store room 2B
syringes & caps (oral dispenser) medication room
syringe (Agilia™) pumps on Link Agilia medication room, paediatric medication room, all resus rooms


tapes (all) store room 4C
taxi (buzz-a-cab) triage 1
ted stockings medication room (cupboards under DD cupboard)
telephone charger for cdmu CDMU/fast track staff base
telephone charger for doctors medication room
telephone charger for doctor in charge staff base 1
telephone charger for ed co-ordinator staff base 1
telephone charger for fast track CDMU/fast track staff base
telephone charger for paediatric area paediatric staff base
telephone charger for resus staff base 4
telephone charger for team 1 kidney bench at T2
telephone charger for team 2 kidney bench at T10
telephone charger for team 3 kidney bench at T16
tendon hammers miscellaneous drawer each cubicle, equipment room (metal)
Tensogrip orthopaedic store 1D
tetanus immunoglobulin log book fast track/CDMU staff base
Thal-quick chest tube set resus store 2B
thermometer, digital paediatric medication room
thermometers, mercury store room 6C
thermometer (rectal) probe (disposable) & trunk cable resus drug room, in cupboard
thermometers (tympanic) triage 1 & 2, all resus cubicles, dinamap in fast track, equipment room 2C (spare)
thermometer probe cover (tympanic) store room 6C
thermometers, ‘Welch Allyn Sure temp plus’ back wall of each cubicle (except CDMU & fast track)
thermometer probe cover (Welch Allyn) store room 6C
tissues store room 6C
tongue depressors store room 6C
torches medication room (cupboard under telephone chargers)
tourniquet store room 3B
tracheostomy hood masks resus store room 2B
tracheostomy tubes (Shiley) resus store 2D, in miscellaneous box
transducer pressure monitoring (adult & paediatric) resus store 2C 3C
trolleys (spare for ED patients) corridor ED exit to the wards
tuning forks equipment room 1B


U-bags store room 1C;
undercast padding (Webrill) See ‘plaster padding’
urinal bottles all pan rooms;
urinal bottles, spare pan room 2;
urinalysis strips main drug room, in ‘Diagnostics’ cupboard;
urine beta-hCG tests all pan rooms;
urine beta-hCG tests, spare pan room 2;
urine jugs all pan rooms;
urine strainer pan room 2 (x2);
ultrasound gel locked cupboard opposite A1/A2;
ultrasound (Philips Sparq) R1;
ultrasound, vascular access equipment room;
ultrasound, old (Logiq P5) equipment room;
ultrasound, old (Logiq 200) non-sterile stock room;


vacutainers store room 3D;
vacutainer butterflies store room 3C;
vacutainer needles store room 3D;
valuables envelopes top drawer in each cubicle;
ventilator circuits, disposable resus store 1B;
ventilator circuits (iVent), long resus store 1E;
ventilators R1;



ventilator, Oxylog 3000 retrieval cupboard;
Vernagel absorbent powder all pan rooms;


warden folder and torch cupboard opposite staff base 1;
warden intercom point wall in staff base 2;
warming blankets (Cocoon) resus store 1D;
warming system (Cocoon) equipment room;
wash bowls all pan rooms;
water for irrigation x 1000mL store room 6E;
Webrill undercast padding orthopaedic store 1D/2D;
wheelchairs waiting room;
winged infusion set (butterfly needle) store room 2D;
Wrights spirometer resus drug room;


Xeroform, 10cm store room 4B


Y suction catheter store room 1D;
Yankauer suckers store room 7C;


Zimmer knee splints orthopaedic store 2C;

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Page last updated: 13 July 2016
© 2018 Emergency Department, University Hospital Geelong